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David J Marks

Happy "only eleven days to go till we are supposed to be cast adrift by Europe" Monday morning, not going to happen is it/ or is it? Of all the best cliff hangers this has got to rate in the top five of all time. I guess the number one cliff-hanger must have been before the start of Wold War II, would we or would we not go the aid of Poland and declare war on Germany, hummmm are you thinking what i am thinking? Not a good idea. Just for the record I was not around in those days, History at school was one of my favorite subjects. Such awful, awful news from Christchurch New Zealand,w hat is the world coming to when people of faith cannot pray in safety. The appalling news from New Zealand beggars belief, what drives such hatred, what tips a man over the top to one day load this car up wit automatic weapons several spare clips of bullets then to drive to a house of worship to indiscriminately slaughter members of a community at a prayer, it's what I say to clients quite regular, everywhere is safe but nowhere is truly safe. My thoughts, prayers and good wishes are with the bereaved and injured. As to the man that did this terrible crime, string him up slowly.

DMC News * MM and Company News * Destination News *

Malta & Mauritius Claudia of Mi Malta DMC and Stephane of Connections DMC Mauritius will be visiting us fr sales calls later this month. if you are interested in theses destinations please let us know.

Malta Mi Malta will be hosting a dinner with us next month as well as a Business Development trip ( posh name for a FAM trip) to Malta in June if you feel that you need to know Malta first hand and want to join us on the trip please let me know. Greece Nassos of AME Greece has told us it's a bank holiday in Greece on Monday, let me know if you need anything in a hurry and we will get it done for you. I have to tell you, it's lovely to see Greece, Morocco and Istanbul busy again, makes it worthwhile. Istanbul, Bodrum, Marmais, Belek, Antalya and throughout Turkey I have some amazing news MM and Company have been representing Muge Atlug and her DMC services since 1997, I knew Muge when I worked at the Conrad in Istanbul six years before I set up MM and Company. Muge and I have always worked together so I'm delighted to tell you that finally Muge is the captain of her own ship. Muge and her long term friend and DMC colleague Senem have started Blue DMC. We all know that people buy people, many of our clients at MM and Company have worked with Muge in the past, this time Muge and Senem's name are above the door.

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