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David J Marks

Happy Monday, did you have Halloween fun last week? Did you distribute treats to the little rascals that knocked on your door, or were all the lights turned off? November has well and truly started and I have managed to get a cold on top of that I am cold I guess I will just have to get used to it all over again.

Another week another tragedy, this time in New York, as ever New Yorkers were resilient and the New York Marathon went on as if nothing had happened, way to go USA. The sad terrorist action in New York confirmed what I tell my clients on a regular basis when they ask me is the destination we are suggesting for this conference or incentive safe? My response has always been (long before this recent spate of senseless and mindless terrorist activity) nowhere is safe, but everywhere is safe, you have to be very, very unlucky to be caught up in such an atrocity you have to be so very unlucky to be at that particular time, at that particular place, at that particular moment the terrorists strike and if you are there then you are bang out of luck.

This is a long story which I will cut very short indeed many years ago I stayed in a hotel in Cairo, at 1.30AM in the morning I had to leave the hotel in a hurry as the hotel was on fire. Sadly, nineteen people died in that fire, technically I was bang out of luck, I chose the only hotel in Cairo that caught fire that night. On the flip side I was very lucky, I escaped. (Obvs )

DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News*

World Travel Market 7th – 8th November Are you going to the show? A couple of our DMC’s will be there, do let me know if you’re going;

Connections DMC, Mauritius – Stand AS500 SNTTA Emir Incentives & Conferences – Stand ME200

Dubai Sai, Deep Nancy and the team at SNTTA Emir Incentives and Conferences have won Middle East’s Leading Destination Management Company award at the 2017 World Travel Awards (WTA) The ceremony was help on October 30th 2017 in Dubai, SNTTA Emir Tours was conferred the coveted award of MIDDLE EAST’S LEADING DESTINATION MANAGEMENT COMPANY.

The World Travel Awards is voted for by travel and tourism professionals and business and leisure travel consumers worldwide, and this prestigious accolade recognizes our commitment to excellence in the DMC industry. It gives SNTTA immense pride and naturally some pleasure to know that SNTTA Emir Conference and Incentives beat the best in the industry and its’ competitors to win this title. For over 40 years SNTTA Emir Tours has been providing travellers from around the world the most memorable experiences in the region.

Abu Dhabi Sai and the team, also tell us that the Louvre Abu Dhabi is opening on the 11th November, the first museum of its kind in the Arab world, a universal museum that is a cultural beacon bringing together different cultures and a must see if you are visiting Abu Dhabi. For more information contact us or the team at SNTTA Emir Incentives & Conferences.

IBTM Barcelona 28th – 30th November I’m attending, are you?

So far the runners and riders that MM and Company represents attending are;

Connections DMC, Mauritius – Stand 050 Enjoy Slovakia DMC – Stand D15 Honeywell Incentives, Cyprus – Stand B45 Microcosmos DMC – Stand G20 Russian Event – Stand G45 TA DMC Portugal – Stand B75 THE J TEAM, Japan – Stand H80 Quetzal Motivo, Costa Rica, Panama & Central America – Stand L60 Visit Morocco – Stand J80

Russia Valeria Olga Veronika and the team at RUSSIAN EVENT are celebrating or perhaps commemorating the 100th Year anniversary of the Russian Revolution which started 100 years ago tomorrow.

Leyla and Hannah's twitter witter bit of the Monday morning email

The highlights of the girls' week last week was Halloween, I was dreading it chaperoning the girls as they went trick or treating, Hannah had a friend to go with, Leyla went with a friend which made me realise I was superfluous to requirements. I was off the hook, I didn't have to go, result 😊 Hannah and her friend dressed up in unicorn onesies, Leyla went as a villain and her friend went as a security officer that apprehended the villain. Both girls went off in different directions, Leyla came back with far more sweets than Hannah did. Full report on fireworks and Guy Fawkes next week, I have already been to Waitrose and burnt money.

That's it you are now fully up to date, I hope you have an amazing week ahead.

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