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David J Marks

Happy Monday, when I look at the weather last week and the forecast for this week I could easily be down hearted, this week is going to be wet, cold and cloudy. I’m not going to be, I’m going to be upbeat because London and the UK will not see the tragic scenes that have been seen in Texas, the Caribbean especially Barbuda, British Virgin Island, Costa Rica, Florida or indeed those poor people in Bangladesh who seem to get forgotten. The over the top monsoon seasons have been so severe this year and have disrupted the lives of some forty million people.

Last week I was on a quick site inspection with Marek and Maros of Enjoy Slovakia DMC. I have written up a visit report on the MM and Company website but in brief Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia is a two hour flight from London on British Airways or Easyjet, landing in Vienna, forty minutes later you are in Bratislava. A destination that competes easily on quality and service with many well-known European destinations except on one thing, it doesn’t compete on price, it beats them hands down. In these current days of Sterling devaluation and Brexit, Bratislava has all the answers to your client’s questions, where can we go in Europe that won’t cost us an arm and a leg now that one Euro costs us 92p?

DMC News * MM and Company News * Destination News *


I’m out with Anusha and Carine at Connections DMC Mauritius this week.

IMEX Las Vegas 10th – 12th October

Are you going? I am, so are the following DMC’s that MM and Company represents;

+39 Italy – Booth Number B1220

C Florida Hospitality – Booth Number B2317

EPIC Group, Cancun – Mexican Pavilion Stand D1338

Germanyinsight (CAMONSITE Conference and More GmbH Berlin) – Booth Number B2623

Nordic Visitor, Iceland – Booth Number B2219

Leyla and Hannah’s twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail

The girls have both returned to school, Leyla reluctantly, Hannah less so. Life after the school holidays has returned to some kind of normality, normality being school rucksacks discarded in the hallway of the house together with school PE kits and various other bits of school clobber. The regular response to how much homework have you got? None is the reply as ever. The early start both girls leave the house by 7.30, at the latest as well as all the other regular day to day challenges that makes life slightly more interesting and challenging.

Hannah has finally got an agreement that she could buy some “high” heeled shoes well boots with a 4” heel on them they arrived on Friday since then she has not taken them off. The downside to this type of footwear is that when she wears the boots she is almost as tall as me something she loves drawing attention to.

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