Happy Monday, three quarters of the way through April and the weekend was cold, sunny but cold, not good news, let’s hope that was winter last hurrah. If it gets any colder again I’m planning to emigrate to the equator, I think I would look rather fetching with a spear, shield and a loin cloth, let’s be honest that is not a nice thought for Monday morning, but it’s the best I can do.
To all those to whom this may concern, I hope you have a jolly weekend of Seder nights and I sincerely hope that Matzath has not yet taken its toll.
As I live and breathe, I have just looked at the calendar it’s Bank Holiday next Monday, so not only do you get a four day week, you do not get a Monday morning email. Yeah I know big disappointment.
Happy Birthday your Majesty, The Queen, 90 years old that is a pretty cool thing to be, I hope The Queen had a great day. I was tempted to send her a big bag of birthday cake flavoured M&Ms but she’s not really my target market J
On the 28th April my Mum is also going to be 90 and guess what she’s not getting any M&M’s either, ooops there goes my mean streak. My two brothers, sister and I have collaborated together to get her what I think is a really nice 90th birthday present but I can’t tell you what it is until the week after next, just in case she reads this.
DMC News* MM and Company News * Destination News* MM and Company News *
Anusha Soopal of Connections DMC Mauritius, the DMC MM and Company has been representing since 2005 will be in the UK next month updating us on what’s new in Mauritius. If you would like to meet up with Anusha, do let me know.
Costa Rica
Next month I will be out in Costa Rica and Panama with the team Hocine, Nathalie and Arno of Quetzal Motivo DMC. British Airways has just started flying direct to Costa Rica from Gatwick landing at San Jose airport. I will be checking out the British Airways direct route so I can report back to you on my return. I will be spending a few days in Costa Rica and a few days in Panama. These are both destination that I believe could become first preference locations for your clients. Full destination report when I get back.
IMEX Frankfurt 19th April 2016
I got to see some of you at IMEX in Frankfurt, I had a great three days really, really busy but that is just the way I like it. IMEX is done and dusted so I’m looking forward to The Meetings Show.
The Meetings Show June 2016 Olympia
Our Stand number is A2, looking at the plan of The Meetings Show, as you enter the main door we are immediately on the left hand side so I would say come and see us but I don’t think you will be able to miss us on the MM and Company stand. I’m still trying to persuade Muge Altug of Dekon DMC Turkey as well as Valeria and Olga of Russian Event to come to the show.
Our DMCs attending The Meeting Show so far are;
Germanyinsight, Germany
Nordic Visitor, Iceland
MM and Company New Passport
Did you get your copy and your packet of M&M’s? If you didn’t get a copy of our new DMC Passport and a packet of M&M’s just let us know, send an email to and we will put a Passport and chocs in the post to you.
Leyla and Hannah’s twitter and witter bit of the Monday morning e mail
The weekend just gone was the two big nights of Passover, we had fourteen people round the table for Seder night and dinner on Friday night and twelve people round the table the Seder service number two on Saturday night. Hannah was a little star, she helped lay the table, a little bit of cooking, a few bits and bobs she had to go to the shop several times for things that had been forgotten.
Leyla, on the other hand was fully focused on her iPhone until about three o’clock in the afternoon. I was soooo busy preparing that it took me till 3PM to realize Leyla was missing. I decided it was time Leyla appeared from her bedroom to contribute to the evening. I dragged myself upstairs to her bedroom suggested that she needs to help fully expecting an argument but no none was forthcoming. I think she wanted to come and help just needed a bit of encouragement. She came down started to help, in fact, she made more mess than she actually cleared up, path of the course I guess. But the preparations suddenly turned into a family affair which was rather fun.
Both Seder nights started at 7.30PM both finished around 12.30PM by the time the clearing up was done it was well after 2AM. My girls was awesome, they joined in, told stories, sang songs they had learnt at School very much a family event.
That’s it you are now totally up to date, wishing you and amazing week ahead, enjoy the Bank Holiday next Monday.