We can Recommend DMCs
Since 1996 when MM and Company was established, we have worked with numerous DMCs all over the world. We represent over twenty DMCs, we work on an ad hoc basis with well over fifty DMCs.
Whilst they are all excellent at delivery outstanding events, we at MM and Company, simply cannot represent all of them. Over the past twenty-one years we have delivered excellent world class events and conferences in destinations as far afield and as diverse and different as Hong Kong is to Holland, Poland is to Peru and Switzerland to Singapore to name just a few. I guess we could add destinations such as China, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Amsterdam and Copenhagen. We know and trust the DMCs in those destinations, we have vetted them, we know they speak our language and have seen that they can deliver amazing events. The countries I have listed are just a few that spring to mind.
If you need a DMC where you don't have a DMC relationship in place, for an immediate response call us on +44 07710 031475 or email us sales@mm-and-company.co.uk we probably do have a relationship in the country that you are looking for. It goes without saying that on the rare occasion that we do not know a DMC, we will let you know.